RetroChallenge 2023 - October

Ladies and Gentleman, Start your bench power supplies!
We will be running another Retrochallenge with

We are currently talking to the guys and will update you here soon!

Retrochallenge is about challenging yourself to restore an items during a month. During this October, the ACMS will run a competition again for members to win prizes by associating themselves with the ACMS and posting to our forum their works.

This year, we will also run this in conjunction with another effort “OctoberOffline” OctoberOffline | Facebook to raise awareness around the anti-social aspects of social media and inspiring people to get back out into reality.

This year, the ACMS will allow members (with approval required) to pick and choose items from our vast collections to restore during the RetroChallenge at our workshops during the month.


  1. Sign up at and associate yourself with the ACMS
  2. Document your progress on the ACMS forum
  3. The ACMS in conjunction with Retrochallenge will monitor and award prizes. Prizes from the ACMS will be limited to entrants who have fulfilled the requirements of being associating their entry with the ACMS and using our forum to document their progress.



I have a feeling what ill be working on… still… :slight_smile:

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I’ve got the motivation, but not the time! :sweat_smile: October needs to be about 3 months longer.

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I’m hoping to tackle a few restoration projects I’ve just not had the time for. Got made redundant at work, so taking a bit of time off which will just so happen to include all of October. :wink:

Getting some of the pieces/parts I’ll need in advance for the start of October however is proving challenging, tho I think I’ve just managed to solve most of that.


Thanks for everyone who played along!

Special shout out to @Kerry and @Cefiar who’s respective PDP11/05 Drive and Applix 1616 challenges set a benchmark in restoration prowess and exceptional documentation which will certainly help the community here in Australia and abroad for decades to come.

Thank you everyone for being involved!