Restoration- IBM 3727 Model 70 Terminal PSU

We are rebuilding the 3727

Rifas have gone up in smoke and the vertical deflection is bad


C1 0.1uf 250v X AC Cap 20mm
C2 0.022uf 250v Y AC Cap 15mm
C3 0.022uf 250v Y AC Cap 15mm
C4 0.033uf 250v X AC cap 15mm
AC connector has two 10mm 2200pf Y caps 250v as well
C5 100uf 400v
C8 16v 470uf 15mm Hx 8mm W
C15 C16 C17 c18 c 19 16v 47uf
C12 c13 220uf 25v
C10 3300uf 25v
c11 4700uf 16v
C20 10uf 50v
C14 50v 1uf

Unfortunately even after cleaning the Pots we have a vertical hold issue.

To be put aside for another day.

Nice try, I think this is going to be a common problem. Hopefully it will be able to work in the future. I think it was probably the console for that big 3745 comms controller!

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