This is a forum topic specifically for individuals to offer their assistance with restoration work. You can share your credentials or areas of expertise here for both assistance to the ACMS but also to alert The Australian community to your assistance. Please note, the ACMS does not endorse any particular individuals experience or abilities and you should carry out your own due diligence if you directly engage with any individual or organisation. We also do not condone the use of this thread to advertise commercial services, if you wish to advertise commercial services, please reach out to @DigitalRampage to discuss sponsorship packages with the ACMS.
I would like to volunteer to help with some restorations if at all possible.
I have a huge passion for vintage computers and I have a fair bit of experience with repairs of my own collection - such as soldering, replacing components, cleaning and general sprucing up of my old machines.
I work full time as a broadcast engineer and am available most weekends and sometimes weekdays if I’m lucky - just tell me when and where, anything I might need to bring and I’ll be there
Hey @flonky_tash - thanks for reaching out.
We have workshops for members and volunteers on Saturdays 11-3. At the moment, we are sprucing up the displays and building some stories around our items, however there is a DEC Writer III, a TRS-80 and Arcade machine restoration in progress/about to progress.
These restorations are dependant on if certain groups are in that Saturday’s such as @paran01d working on the arcade, @sijnstra working on the TRS-80s, @cavok if in town on the Osbournes, or myself on the DEC gear with others.
I’m planning to be in this Saturday (05/08) to continue work on hang-on. Was sick last weekend :(…
Will be lots of logic probing and rom dumping.
@paran01d that sounds really interesting!
If it’s okay, I might pop by tomorrow (saturday) and help out where I can? It would be good to see the place and have a look around and see the place and meet people.
Ill be more than happy to show you what im up to and have a go. I’m honestly pretty green at it so always good to have help. You will be made very welcome and when I came in for the first time a few weeks ago I couldn’t believe the sheer amount of cool stuff here.
@paran01d that sounds brilliant, I’ll see you there!