Ironfest 2024 in Portland - ACMS Stall?

After a 5-year hiatus, the popular Ironfest event will be moving from Lithgow to the Foundations at Portland:

Adrian F ran an ACMS exhibit at the same venue last November, which looked great and got a lot of visitors:

While the name Ironfest makes it sound a bit old-fashioned, there’s a big sci-fi and steampunk contingent, like these robot builders:

I think we’d get a lot of interest at this event, but we’d need volunteers to set things up and talk to visitors. Would anyone be willing to help out?

I was drawn here by the Death to the Daleks, Dalek.

I’m assuming this isn’t Portland, Victoria!

It is in Portland NSW< around 2h 15m drive from most Sydney Suburban locations.

Nope, Portland NSW.

I’m planning to attend with my family for one day, but unless we can get a few people confirmed to man it, I won’t try to book a stall as there is a booking fee and it’s too big an event for one person to handle.