Years ago when I left high school, the deputy principal gave me this old little Lan Station which has a Flytech Carry-1 or Carry-I 6200 motherboard.
Originally it was a LAN boot unit that connected to the schools OASIS Novell server, but it was retired for a newer computer - this was circa 2000.
The unit was working (or so I seem to recall) however now it beeps 3 times.
With so little info about these obscure units out on the Internet, I have referred to the AMIBIOS in the hope of finding out what 3 beeps means- apparently it’s a RAM failure in the first 64kb… ugh…
So now I will need to locate some of the RAM to restore its 512 or possibly 1024kb of memory and try again.
I’m thinking to put a XT IDE CF boot in it to turn it into a little standalone games PC with its matching keyboard and 9” white MDA/CGA monitor (think it’s MDA because it does show video on the graphics board of my IBM 5155)