Australian Technology Wiki

Having researched the origins of BWD some years ago I have been thinking that there was room for a wiki dedicated to Australian Tech history.

  • especially as my first attempt at the BWD page was pinged for have very few links to references (mainly as they did not exist)

Not being a Linux guru I kept putting it off, but have finally built a Wiki on my webserver just as a toe in the water/see how much demand there is for the idea kind of thing.

I have started with a few Australian manufacturers I know of
At the moment you do need to create an account to edit (hopefully help keep spamming filth out).

I have built the wiki on a seperate directory to my main website in order to be able to locate all the files if a better custodian takes up the vision, or if it gets to the point of getting it’s own URL (instead of piggy backing off mine)

This means at the moment there are a couple of issues I am aware of and will tray and sort out:
at the moment I am using a symbolic link to get to the wiki, and I note this sometimes gets translated to - if you get this just edit the URL to change the local IP back to and it usually seems to work from then.

The Wiki seems to go to sleep, so the first time you connect it can take some time to respond.

Finally I will need to upgrade the webserver (probably not until August though) as this one has been running for a number of years but has limited hard drive space, but hopefully it will last until then.


Your missing so many Australian computer designers and manufacturers, here are a few more -

Amust Computer Corp - made the Amust Executive 186
Applix - made the Applix 1616
Avtek - made Modems of all sorts and other hardware
Datamax Pty Ltd - made the Datamax 8000, 186 and others
Dewhirst Corporation - made the Data Base Machine
Dulmont Electronics Systems - made the Dulmont Magnum/Kookaburra laptop
Professional Australian Systems - made the Dyad Dragon
BGR Computers - made the Excalibur 64
Fairlight - made the Qasar & CMI that changed the Music industry world wide
RDM Computers - made the Aussie Byte SBC

and lots lots more and dont forget the EA & ETI magazines that bought us the Mini-Scamp, Mini 2650, Educ-8, Dream 6800, etc etc.


@ChickenMan - Alan, if you’re willing to work with us I think ultimately this is something the ACMS should work towards for long term public benefit and I’m sure @Riley would agree with me on that.


Sure, can help where I can but many have extensive pages already on Wikipedia, like the Dulmont Magnum, Applied Technology, etc. But we ( Repository) have information about the above listed Australian companies and many more, from very little to lots that could be shared.
But first you need to get a working site. I can get to the main page, but thats it, cant go anywhere else.

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@ChickenMan I am painfully aware I am missing many Australian Manufacturers, I mean there were a couple local to me in Hornsby that I am trying to remember, one mob in Hunter Street made Data comms gear in the 1980es but I have been struggling to remember their name?

  • Not sure why I didn’t think of Fairlight?
    Let me add them to the list, but of course any background Info would be much appreciated, so if you know anything feel free to create an account and add it.
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when you say you can’t get beyond the front page, at the moment I only have a couple of pages - BWD being the most detailed thus far.
Can you create an account?
My problem with Wikipedia is that they often demanded online references, and I found pages would be deleted arbitrarily either due to lack of references, or claims that they were “advertising” (for now defunct companies)

I tried some of those in Blue and all I got was a blank screen, waited a minute and still nothing. BWD now pops up with its page and most of those in Blue at lease gets to a page. Yes, I was able to make an account, will add some data later tonight.

I’ve talked to @decryption if he has some thoughts. I’d be more inclined to link the wiki through the forum where possible to create a seamless experience between wiki/knowledge/collections/repair and cataloguing/feedback

Ie the wiki should only be controllable by some to keep the data correct, but people who want to add stories or information can introduce a forum post attached to that wiki to share their own data without it becoming a mess of opinions and hearsay/ heard it from a mate edits.

Sorry, I find the site SOOOOOO slow, I wont be adding anything else.

Sorry to hear that, @ChickenMan it works fine on the local Network, and seems fine if I hotspot off my mobile.
I will have to try remote access from a few places and see if I can work out what is going wrong for you…

BTW thanks for your contribution.

@DigitalRampage at this stage I am open to suggestions, although it sounds like I have an issue to work out with access from outside.

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As the society one thing I have learned over 25 years is that having this data and system in the control of a public organisation like ours is considerably safer.

I’ve seen whole systems of significant data wiped because of people getting sick, dying, running out of time/passion or even forgetting to update a credit card details on servers…

I’m still trying to work out a wiki that can link into various other data systems we have to make it a resource that can interlink all sorts of media and conversations


@DigitalRampage that sounds like a more promising long term solution.

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Apologies for being late to the thread. @R_Freeman @DigitalRampage and @ChickenMan .

Yes, absolutely. Also, I have tons of data to populate it with. E.g. a 5000+ strong, curated list of all Aussie computers and games software. Maybe 2000 more rows of Aus built peripherals, applications software, etc. and it’ll be pretty complete. We also need a home for all of the code and data we pull from the massive secondary storage collection we have

Let’s do it. What is it then?

  1. An Aus computing Wiki run by the ACMS + hosted by the ACMS
  2. Source code and other stuff in the ACMS Github - australian-computer-museum-society · GitHub

Carpe diem!

Yep, if you have the resources to setup a wiki under ACMS that would be the best solution. I did try running one on my server but was advised by other users that it was painfully slow and not very responsive, and in any case as @DigitalRampage said having one under ACMS control would probably be the best idea.
As a currently unemployed layabout I should be able to find some time for data entry

Great stuff! @DigitalRampage, do you have the details\credentials, etc for setting up/accessing the Wiki?
@amagni are you interested in being involved?