Hello enthusiasts, by way of introduction to my interest in vintage computing, here is a quick bio:
- Age: mid-50’s (1970)
- First computers: Commodore Vic-20, C64, Amiga 1000
- Education: UQ Bachelor of Science (Computer Science major) 1987-91 - great fun working on MicroVax / VMS learning C and Cobol on old LS ADM-3a terms, Pascal & Modula-2 on Macintosh and such.
- Work experience: Enterprise networking and cybersecurity career focus 1992-current
- Vintage Computing Interests: Where to start…
I’m a life-long electronics and computing enthusiast with a healthy interest in vintage computing - the older I get, the more I’m interested.
Worked on IBM Mainframes bank/financial systems 1992-98 for a bank - in a network support role which included IBM s/390, VTAM/NCP/3745, SNA Networking Cluster Controllers 3174’s etc, then PC LAN and Cisco networking once that became a thing. Ethernet and of course Token Ring. Next job after that was for 3Com as a network engineer. Further back in High School I joined the computer club (of course) which was amazing - Ohio C1P lab, Apple II/e/Sperry PC’s.
These days I spend too much time trawling Facebook and eBay for vintage computer kit and when found embark on restoration projects of various sorts. Specific interests are: DEC PDP-11 and old Unix, S100 systems (Cromemco etc), IBM PS/2, early Z80 CP/M systems, Macintosh models, early Cisco networking gear, dial-up and so on. As the restoration skills build, looking to get involved in more community restoration activities and just generally being more connected to others with similar interest.
Cheers, MT